I recently read an article in Time magazine that addressed the birth order in the typical American family. It said that one's success is often determined by the order in which they were born. The article gave several examples such as Teddy Roosevelt and his alcoholic little brother Elliot. Or Alec Baldwin and all of his younger siblings, or even the Bush siblings. It goes on to say that older siblings typically have 2.3 points higher on their IQ's which usually results in a 15 point higher sat score. Which in the end may result in attending a better school. The artilce then proceeds to breakdown characteristics of a three child home. Myself being a product of that I became very intrigued from this point on. So here it is:
Oldest child:
- May be better educated than younger siblings
- Likelier to hold a professional position
- More concerned with meeting parents expectations
- Likelier to serve as family historian and guardian
- Higher IQ than younger siblings.
Middle child:
- May take longer to choose career than other siblings
- less connected to family, moreso to friends
- May de-identify from odlest, making opposite choices
- Lacks the parental recognition first and last may enjoy therefore resulting in low self esteem.
Youngest child:
- More tolerant of risk
- Likelier to be an adventurer, artist or entrepreneur
- Often physically smaller than first borns
- Less likely to be vaccinated
- Frequently funnier than other siblings.
Now of course all of this wouldn't necessarily pertain to each individual family, but take a look and see if any correspond to the birth order in your household. I did, and was completely shocked by the differences in eduacation, life goals and even physical size. I always thought my siblings and I were very similar until I realized that we are traveling down completely different life paths. My oldest sibling majoring in psycology, middle sibling doing finance and myself majoring in photojournalism. The list doesn't end there but i don't want to scare you away with a two page blog, so take a look and feel free to comment!
Wow I can't believe how true this is when comparing it to myself and my two younger siblings.. It's at least very accurate when dealing with me and my youngest sibling. I don't know about the middle one though. Cool though! :)